Manage all your WordPress sites with the MainWP Dashboard
WordPress Management for Professionals
MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor
MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor along with the Uptime Robot service checks your sites every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In case site is not loading, it makes few more checks in next 3 minutes to make sure that site is down. If the site is still down, it will notify you immediately.
MainWP Comments
The MainWP Comments Extension allows you to Approve, Disapprove, Mark as spam, Un-spam, Edit and Delete comments in all your child sites from one place. By using bulk actions you will save time for more important tasks or if you prefer you can still moderate your comments one by one.
MainWP Favorites
The MainWP Favorites Extension allows you to store frequently used plugins and themes for quick and easy installation on a site. In addition, since those favorites are stored locally on your Dashboard and DOES NOT use the WordPress.org Favorites API so your privacy is maintained.
MainWP Staging
With the MainWP Staging Extension, you can create and manage Staging sites for your child sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard.
MainWP Sucuri
The MainWP Sucuri Extension uses Sucuri’s proprietary SiteCheck Tool to scan your sites. SiteCheck provides web-based malware scanning of your web sites using the latest in fingerprinting technology. It gives you a quick way to determine if your web applications are out of date, exploited with malware, or even blacklisted by popular search engines all directly from your MainWP Dashboard!
MainWP Vulnerability Checker
MainWP Vulnerability Checker extension uses WPScan Vulnerability Database API to bring you information about vulnerable plugins and themes on your Child Sites so you can act accordingly.
The Wordfence Extension combines the power of your MainWP Dashboard with the popular Wordfence Security Plugin (almost 3 million downloads). It allows you to scan your child sites for security issues, monitor live traffic and to manage Wordfence settings across your network and all from your Dashboard!